
Results 1-8 of 148 for Renay San Miguel.

FCC to Hammer Comcast on Throttling Shenanigans

Reports continue to circulate that the FCC has enough votes to rule that Comcast illegally blocked traffic between peer-to-peer Internet applications and that the government will soon set down guidelines for the Internet service provider that could serve as a precedent regarding the hotly debated to...

Scrabble-Scrabulous Fuss Lands in Court

Hasbro, maker of the word game Scrabble, has issued the ultimate double challenge to social network Facebook and its wildly popular Scrabble-like application Scrabulous: a lawsuit alleging copyright infringement. The suit, filed Thursday in a New York district court, claims the application violates ...

UK ISPs to Fling Wide Net for Music Pirates

British parents who don't know what their kids are downloading on the family computer may want to start paying more attention, thanks to a new antipiracy agreement among the six largest Internet service providers in the United Kingdom. The U.S. music industry will no doubt track developments in the ...

No Recession for Game Console Makers

Americans are tiring of $4.50-a-gallon gasoline, dire warnings from Iran and nasty political rhetoric. So they seem to be taking our their frustrations by blasting alien invaders and enemy soldiers and playing tennis with their TV sets. Video games seem to be providing consumers a better entertainme...

Whedon’s ‘Dr. Horrible’ Triggers Downed Server Epidemic

During the recent Hollywood writers' strike, Joss Whedon found the cure for all his sudden downtime. The man who gave us "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" and "Firefly" created a genre-busting musical about a mad doctor with a bad case of evil-mastermind-wannabe inferiority complex. And the only place to f...

Judge: Knockoff-Tracking Not eBay’s Job

In the case of Tiffany vs. eBay, a U.S. district judge has presented the e-commerce giant with the best gift it could get in this litigious, digital age: a victory in a four-year-old trademark protection lawsuit. Judge Richard Sullivan of New York found that eBay's process of vetting suspected count...

FCC May Curb Comcast’s Internet Choke-Chain Antics

Advocates of Net neutrality are preparing to chalk up their first victory following press reports that Federal Communications Commission Chairman Kevin Martin has recommended prohibiting cable giant Comcast from blocking Web traffic between peer-to-peer networks. The recommendation, which still requ...

Google Makes Room for Privacy

Google and privacy advocates will continue to fight a war over the search giant's use and retention of personal information, but it appears the two sides declared an end to hostilities over the July Fourth holiday weekend regarding the company's privacy policy. Google now will directly link to its p...

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